is why it is so important for us to be spending our time beholding
God’s works...I never really thought about that before, that
studying nature is really beholding God. That helps me understand why
my walk with God is stronger when I spend time in nature and when I get
too busy to even notice the leaves on the sidewalk, my walk is weak."
really enjoyed the way Discovering
His Treasures uses common everyday things to explain
important truths like true Bible faith. The slides and hands-on
activities really helped me to become engrossed in the truths
presented." ~Seminar attendee
nature object lessons are so helpful. They are geared so that everyone
can gain something. My brother is 8 years old and he enjoyed it just as
much as the older adults. In nature we can truly see God closer than
ever before." ~ Seminar attendee
found your website intriguing. I have also noticed how well scripture
fits with nature and visa versa. I'm glad the Lord prompted you to have
a website. I feel at this time God is using us all in our own personal
areas that He has planted in us to reach others...I will pass the info
on your website on to friends also. God Bless." ~ Web message
From the mailbox
was delighted with what I saw. I fully agree that we must learn from
nature. May God bless your efforts to acquaint people with the
treasures of knowledge to be found in nature." - email